Price Transparency

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Charge Type Setting Price  
Service Code CPT 66984
Min. Negotiated Rate $4,123.00
Max. Negotiated Rate $4,535.30
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $4,123.00
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $4,535.30
Service Code MS-DRG 038
Hospital Charge Code 727
Min. Negotiated Rate $11,867.67
Max. Negotiated Rate $12,042.19
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $11,984.02
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $11,867.67
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $12,042.19
Service Code MS-DRG 037
Hospital Charge Code 726
Min. Negotiated Rate $20,202.68
Max. Negotiated Rate $20,499.78
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $20,400.75
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $20,202.68
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $20,499.78
Service Code MS-DRG 039
Hospital Charge Code 728
Min. Negotiated Rate $7,898.52
Max. Negotiated Rate $8,014.68
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $7,975.96
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $7,898.52
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $8,014.68
Service Code CPT 86235
Hospital Charge Code 8037843
Hospital Revenue Code 302
Min. Negotiated Rate $79.80
Max. Negotiated Rate $102.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $102.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $102.60
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $91.20
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $85.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $85.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $79.80
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $102.60
Service Code CPT 86235
Hospital Charge Code 8037843
Hospital Revenue Code 302
Min. Negotiated Rate $47.12
Max. Negotiated Rate $102.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $102.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $102.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $64.98
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $57.54
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $57.57
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $91.20
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $91.20
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $85.50
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $57.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $56.98
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $85.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $57.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $79.80
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $57.86
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $57.82
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $85.50
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $85.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $102.60
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $67.26
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $47.12
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $51.83
Service Code CPT 86235
Hospital Charge Code 8093932
Hospital Revenue Code 302
Min. Negotiated Rate $79.80
Max. Negotiated Rate $102.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $102.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $102.60
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $91.20
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $85.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $85.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $79.80
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $102.60
Service Code CPT 86235
Hospital Charge Code 8093932
Hospital Revenue Code 302
Min. Negotiated Rate $47.12
Max. Negotiated Rate $102.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $102.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $102.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $64.98
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $57.54
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $57.57
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $91.20
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $91.20
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $85.50
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $57.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $56.98
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $85.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $57.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $79.80
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $57.86
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $57.82
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $85.50
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $85.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $102.60
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $67.26
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $47.12
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $51.83
Service Code MS-DRG 115
Hospital Charge Code 7
Min. Negotiated Rate $11,431.18
Max. Negotiated Rate $11,599.29
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $11,543.25
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $11,431.18
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $11,599.29
Service Code MS-DRG 790
Hospital Charge Code 532
Min. Negotiated Rate $37,297.56
Max. Negotiated Rate $37,846.06
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $37,663.23
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $37,297.56
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $37,846.06
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10387879
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $1.04
Max. Negotiated Rate $1.34
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1.34
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1.34
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1.19
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1.12
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1.12
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1.04
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1.34
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10387879
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $0.74
Max. Negotiated Rate $1.34
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1.34
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1.34
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $0.85
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $0.75
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $0.75
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1.19
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1.12
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $0.75
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $0.74
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1.12
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $0.75
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1.04
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $0.76
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $0.76
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $1.12
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $1.12
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1.34
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $0.88
Service Code CPT 81241
Hospital Charge Code 8037844
Hospital Revenue Code 301
Min. Negotiated Rate $109.96
Max. Negotiated Rate $198.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $198.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $198.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $125.40
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $111.03
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $111.10
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $176.00
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $176.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $165.00
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $110.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $109.96
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $165.00
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $110.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $154.00
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $111.65
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $111.58
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $165.00
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $165.00
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $198.00
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $129.80
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $143.22
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $157.54
Service Code CPT 81241
Hospital Charge Code 8037844
Hospital Revenue Code 301
Min. Negotiated Rate $154.00
Max. Negotiated Rate $198.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $198.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $198.00
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $176.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $165.00
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $165.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $154.00
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $198.00
Service Code CPT 85260
Hospital Charge Code 8037845
Hospital Revenue Code 305
Min. Negotiated Rate $56.42
Max. Negotiated Rate $116.10
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $116.10
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $116.10
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $73.53
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $65.11
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $65.14
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $103.20
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $103.20
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $96.75
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $64.50
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $64.47
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $96.75
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $64.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $90.30
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $65.47
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $65.43
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $96.75
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $96.75
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $116.10
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $76.11
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $56.42
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $62.06
Service Code CPT 85260
Hospital Charge Code 8037845
Hospital Revenue Code 305
Min. Negotiated Rate $90.30
Max. Negotiated Rate $116.10
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $116.10
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $116.10
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $103.20
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $96.75
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $96.75
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $90.30
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $116.10
Service Code HCPCS J3490
Hospital Charge Code 10387948
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $15.75
Max. Negotiated Rate $20.25
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $20.25
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $20.25
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $18.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $16.88
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $16.88
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $15.75
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $20.25
Service Code HCPCS J3490
Hospital Charge Code 10387948
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $11.25
Max. Negotiated Rate $20.25
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $20.25
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $20.25
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $12.82
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $11.36
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $11.36
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $18.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $16.88
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $11.25
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $11.25
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $16.88
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $11.25
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $15.75
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $11.42
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $11.41
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $16.88
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $16.88
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $20.25
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $13.28
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10388019
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $0.90
Max. Negotiated Rate $1.16
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1.16
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1.16
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1.03
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $0.97
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $0.97
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $0.90
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1.16
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10388019
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $0.64
Max. Negotiated Rate $1.16
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1.16
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1.16
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $0.74
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $0.65
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $0.65
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1.03
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $0.97
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $0.65
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $0.64
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $0.97
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $0.65
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $0.90
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $0.65
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $0.65
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $0.97
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $0.97
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1.16
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $0.76
Service Code NDC 65219-0533-25
Hospital Charge Code 10434518
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $51.03
Max. Negotiated Rate $91.90
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $91.90
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $91.90
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $58.20
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $51.53
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $51.57
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $81.69
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $76.58
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $51.06
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $51.03
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $76.58
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $51.06
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $71.48
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $51.82
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $51.79
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $76.58
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $76.58
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $91.90
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $60.24
Service Code NDC 65219-0533-25
Hospital Charge Code 10434518
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $71.48
Max. Negotiated Rate $91.90
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $91.90
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $91.90
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $81.69
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $76.58
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $76.58
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $71.48
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $91.90
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10388088
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $1.88
Max. Negotiated Rate $2.41
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $2.41
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $2.41
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $2.14
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $2.01
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $2.01
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1.88
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $2.41
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10388088
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $1.34
Max. Negotiated Rate $2.41
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $2.41
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $2.41
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $1.53
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $1.35
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $1.35
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $2.14
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $2.01
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $1.34
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $1.34
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $2.01
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $1.34
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1.88
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $1.36
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $1.36
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $2.01
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $2.01
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $2.41
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $1.58
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10388157
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $0.72
Max. Negotiated Rate $1.30
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1.30
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1.30
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $0.82
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $0.73
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $0.73
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1.15
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1.08
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $0.72
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $0.72
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1.08
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $0.72
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1.01
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $0.73
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $0.73
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $1.08
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $1.08
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1.30
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $0.85