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Charge Type Setting Price  
Service Code CPT 12036
Hospital Charge Code 7982830
Hospital Revenue Code 981
Min. Negotiated Rate $252.13
Max. Negotiated Rate $976.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $252.13
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $260.70
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1,116.00
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1,116.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $302.56
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $257.17
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $453.83
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $252.13
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $976.50
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $436.18
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $378.20
Service Code CPT 12031
Hospital Charge Code 7982834
Hospital Revenue Code 981
Min. Negotiated Rate $137.69
Max. Negotiated Rate $371.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $137.69
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $142.37
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $424.00
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $424.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $165.23
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $140.44
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $247.84
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $137.69
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $371.00
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $238.20
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $206.54
Service Code CPT 12032
Hospital Charge Code 7982833
Hospital Revenue Code 981
Min. Negotiated Rate $173.25
Max. Negotiated Rate $401.35
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $173.25
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $179.14
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $640.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $207.90
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $176.72
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $311.85
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $173.25
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $401.35
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $299.72
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $259.88
Service Code CPT 12034
Hospital Charge Code 7982832
Hospital Revenue Code 981
Min. Negotiated Rate $186.35
Max. Negotiated Rate $723.10
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $186.35
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $192.69
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $826.40
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $826.40
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $223.62
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $190.08
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $335.43
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $186.35
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $723.10
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $322.39
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $279.52
Service Code MS-DRG 065
Hospital Charge Code 745
Min. Negotiated Rate $9,910.26
Max. Negotiated Rate $10,056.00
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $10,007.42
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $9,910.26
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $10,056.00
Service Code MS-DRG 064
Hospital Charge Code 744
Min. Negotiated Rate $16,718.52
Max. Negotiated Rate $16,964.38
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $16,882.43
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $16,718.52
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $16,964.38
Service Code MS-DRG 066
Hospital Charge Code 746
Min. Negotiated Rate $6,377.60
Max. Negotiated Rate $6,471.39
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $6,440.13
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $6,377.60
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $6,471.39
Service Code MS-DRG 021
Hospital Charge Code 710
Min. Negotiated Rate $65,162.10
Max. Negotiated Rate $66,120.36
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $65,800.94
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $65,162.10
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $66,120.36
Service Code MS-DRG 020
Hospital Charge Code 709
Min. Negotiated Rate $82,743.90
Max. Negotiated Rate $83,960.72
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $83,555.11
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $82,743.90
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $83,960.72
Service Code MS-DRG 022
Hospital Charge Code 711
Min. Negotiated Rate $47,149.62
Max. Negotiated Rate $47,843.00
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $47,611.87
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $47,149.62
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $47,843.00
Service Code CPT 66982
Min. Negotiated Rate $4,123.00
Max. Negotiated Rate $4,535.30
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $4,123.00
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $4,535.30
Service Code MS-DRG 116
Hospital Charge Code 8
Min. Negotiated Rate $12,490.40
Max. Negotiated Rate $12,674.08
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $12,612.85
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $12,490.40
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $12,674.08
Service Code MS-DRG 117
Hospital Charge Code 9
Min. Negotiated Rate $12,490.40
Max. Negotiated Rate $12,674.08
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $12,612.85
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $12,490.40
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $12,674.08
Hospital Charge Code 8059077
Hospital Revenue Code 360
Min. Negotiated Rate $106.46
Max. Negotiated Rate $191.70
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $191.70
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $191.70
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $121.41
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $107.50
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $107.56
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $170.40
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $159.75
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $106.50
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $106.46
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $159.75
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $106.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $149.10
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $108.10
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $108.03
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $159.75
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $159.75
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $191.70
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $125.67
Hospital Charge Code 8059077
Hospital Revenue Code 360
Min. Negotiated Rate $149.10
Max. Negotiated Rate $191.70
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $191.70
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $191.70
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $170.40
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $159.75
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $159.75
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $149.10
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $191.70
Service Code CPT 31500
Hospital Revenue Code 490
Min. Negotiated Rate $1,650.44
Max. Negotiated Rate $1,815.48
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $1,650.44
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $1,815.48
Service Code CPT C1713
Hospital Charge Code 8788813
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $1,814.40
Max. Negotiated Rate $2,332.80
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $2,332.80
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $2,332.80
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $2,073.60
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1,944.00
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1,944.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1,814.40
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $2,332.80
Service Code CPT C1713
Hospital Charge Code 8788813
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $1,295.48
Max. Negotiated Rate $2,332.80
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $2,332.80
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $2,332.80
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $1,477.44
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $1,308.18
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $1,308.96
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $2,073.60
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1,944.00
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $1,296.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $1,295.48
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1,944.00
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $1,296.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1,814.40
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $1,315.44
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $1,314.66
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $1,944.00
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $1,944.00
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $2,332.80
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $1,529.28
Service Code HCPCS Q9967
Hospital Charge Code 23686528
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $86.35
Max. Negotiated Rate $155.48
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $155.48
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $155.48
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $98.47
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $87.19
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $87.24
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $138.21
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $129.57
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $86.38
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $86.35
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $129.57
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $86.38
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $120.93
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $87.68
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $87.62
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $129.57
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $129.57
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $155.48
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $101.93
Service Code HCPCS Q9967
Hospital Charge Code 23686528
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $120.93
Max. Negotiated Rate $155.48
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $155.48
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $155.48
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $138.21
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $129.57
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $129.57
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $120.93
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $155.48
Service Code CPT 97033 GP
Hospital Charge Code 1373909
Hospital Revenue Code 420
Min. Negotiated Rate $93.80
Max. Negotiated Rate $120.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $120.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $120.60
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $107.20
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $100.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $100.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $93.80
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $120.60
Service Code CPT 97033 GO
Hospital Charge Code 1373443
Hospital Revenue Code 430
Min. Negotiated Rate $66.97
Max. Negotiated Rate $120.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $120.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $120.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $76.38
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $67.63
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $67.67
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $107.20
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $100.50
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $67.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $66.97
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $100.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $67.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $93.80
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $68.00
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $67.96
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $100.50
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $100.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $120.60
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $79.06
Service Code CPT 97033 GO
Hospital Charge Code 1373443
Hospital Revenue Code 430
Min. Negotiated Rate $93.80
Max. Negotiated Rate $120.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $120.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $120.60
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $107.20
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $100.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $100.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $93.80
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $120.60
Service Code CPT 97033 GP
Hospital Charge Code 1373909
Hospital Revenue Code 420
Min. Negotiated Rate $66.97
Max. Negotiated Rate $120.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $120.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $120.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $76.38
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $67.63
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $67.67
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $107.20
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $100.50
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $67.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $66.97
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $100.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $67.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $93.80
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $68.00
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $67.96
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $100.50
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $100.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $120.60
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $79.06
Service Code HCPCS Q9966
Hospital Charge Code 12697970
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $28.78
Max. Negotiated Rate $51.82
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $51.82
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $51.82
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $32.82
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $29.06
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $29.08
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $46.06
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $43.18
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $28.79
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $28.78
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $43.18
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $28.79
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $40.31
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $29.22
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $29.20
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $43.18
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $43.18
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $51.82
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $33.97