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Charge Type Setting Price  
Service Code MS-DRG 249
Hospital Charge Code 111
Min. Negotiated Rate $15,353.76
Max. Negotiated Rate $15,579.55
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $15,504.29
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $15,353.76
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $15,579.55
Service Code MS-DRG 250
Hospital Charge Code 112
Min. Negotiated Rate $17,499.35
Max. Negotiated Rate $17,756.70
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $17,670.92
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $17,499.35
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $17,756.70
Service Code MS-DRG 251
Hospital Charge Code 113
Min. Negotiated Rate $13,318.75
Max. Negotiated Rate $13,514.62
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $13,449.33
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $13,318.75
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $13,514.62
Service Code MS-DRG 041
Hospital Charge Code 730
Min. Negotiated Rate $19,136.68
Max. Negotiated Rate $19,418.10
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $19,324.29
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $19,136.68
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $19,418.10
Service Code MS-DRG 040
Hospital Charge Code 729
Min. Negotiated Rate $26,416.36
Max. Negotiated Rate $26,804.83
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $26,675.34
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $26,416.36
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $26,804.83
Service Code MS-DRG 042
Hospital Charge Code 731
Min. Negotiated Rate $9,793.86
Max. Negotiated Rate $9,937.88
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $9,889.87
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $9,793.86
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $9,937.88
Service Code MS-DRG 300
Hospital Charge Code 157
Min. Negotiated Rate $9,683.28
Max. Negotiated Rate $9,825.68
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $9,778.21
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $9,683.28
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $9,825.68
Service Code MS-DRG 299
Hospital Charge Code 156
Min. Negotiated Rate $9,687.16
Max. Negotiated Rate $9,829.62
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $9,782.14
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $9,687.16
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $9,829.62
Service Code MS-DRG 301
Hospital Charge Code 158
Min. Negotiated Rate $5,287.34
Max. Negotiated Rate $5,365.10
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $5,339.18
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $5,287.34
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $5,365.10
Service Code MS-DRG 336
Hospital Charge Code 186
Min. Negotiated Rate $18,545.00
Max. Negotiated Rate $18,817.72
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $18,726.81
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $18,545.00
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $18,817.72
Service Code MS-DRG 335
Hospital Charge Code 185
Min. Negotiated Rate $27,431.92
Max. Negotiated Rate $27,835.33
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $27,700.86
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $27,431.92
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $27,835.33
Service Code MS-DRG 337
Hospital Charge Code 187
Min. Negotiated Rate $14,983.24
Max. Negotiated Rate $15,203.58
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $15,130.13
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $14,983.24
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $15,203.58
Service Code MS-DRG 243
Hospital Charge Code 105
Min. Negotiated Rate $22,643.14
Max. Negotiated Rate $22,976.13
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $22,865.13
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $22,643.14
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $22,976.13
Service Code MS-DRG 242
Hospital Charge Code 104
Min. Negotiated Rate $28,448.46
Max. Negotiated Rate $28,866.82
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $28,727.37
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $28,448.46
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $28,866.82
Service Code MS-DRG 244
Hospital Charge Code 106
Min. Negotiated Rate $17,390.72
Max. Negotiated Rate $17,646.47
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $17,561.22
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $17,390.72
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $17,646.47
Service Code NDC 46122-0108-46
Hospital Charge Code 10436709
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $5.07
Max. Negotiated Rate $9.13
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $9.13
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $9.13
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $5.78
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $5.12
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $5.12
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $8.11
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $7.60
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $5.07
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $5.07
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $7.60
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $5.07
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $7.10
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $5.15
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $5.14
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $7.60
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $7.60
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $9.13
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $5.98
Service Code NDC 46122-0108-46
Hospital Charge Code 10436709
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $7.10
Max. Negotiated Rate $9.13
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $9.13
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $9.13
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $8.11
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $7.60
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $7.60
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $7.10
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $9.13
Service Code HCPCS J9306
Hospital Charge Code 20430606
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $11,080.87
Max. Negotiated Rate $19,953.54
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $19,953.54
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $19,953.54
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $12,637.24
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $11,189.50
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $11,196.15
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $17,736.48
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $16,627.95
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $11,085.30
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $11,080.87
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $16,627.95
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $11,085.30
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $15,519.42
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $11,251.58
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $11,244.93
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $16,627.95
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $16,627.95
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $19,953.54
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $13,080.65
Service Code HCPCS J9306
Hospital Charge Code 20430606
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $15,519.42
Max. Negotiated Rate $19,953.54
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $19,953.54
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $19,953.54
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $17,736.48
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $16,627.95
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $16,627.95
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $15,519.42
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $19,953.54
Service Code CPT C1713
Hospital Charge Code 8884275
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $1,524.60
Max. Negotiated Rate $1,960.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1,960.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1,960.20
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1,742.40
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1,633.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1,633.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1,524.60
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1,960.20
Service Code CPT C1713
Hospital Charge Code 8884275
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $1,088.56
Max. Negotiated Rate $1,960.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1,960.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1,960.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $1,241.46
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $1,099.24
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $1,099.89
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1,742.40
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1,633.50
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $1,089.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $1,088.56
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1,633.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $1,089.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1,524.60
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $1,105.34
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $1,104.68
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $1,633.50
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $1,633.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1,960.20
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $1,285.02
Service Code CPT C1713
Hospital Charge Code 8812766
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $207.90
Max. Negotiated Rate $267.30
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $267.30
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $267.30
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $237.60
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $222.75
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $222.75
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $207.90
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $267.30
Service Code CPT C1713
Hospital Charge Code 8812766
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $148.44
Max. Negotiated Rate $267.30
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $267.30
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $267.30
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $169.29
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $149.90
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $149.98
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $237.60
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $222.75
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $148.50
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $148.44
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $222.75
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $148.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $207.90
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $150.73
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $150.64
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $222.75
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $222.75
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $267.30
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $175.23
Service Code CPT C1713
Hospital Charge Code 8757684
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $1,449.00
Max. Negotiated Rate $1,863.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1,863.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1,863.00
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1,656.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1,552.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1,552.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1,449.00
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1,863.00
Service Code CPT C1713
Hospital Charge Code 8757684
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $1,034.59
Max. Negotiated Rate $1,863.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1,863.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1,863.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $1,179.90
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $1,044.73
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $1,045.35
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1,656.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1,552.50
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $1,035.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $1,034.59
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1,552.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $1,035.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1,449.00
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $1,050.52
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $1,049.90
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $1,552.50
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $1,552.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1,863.00
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $1,221.30