Price Transparency

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Charge Type Setting Price  
Service Code CPT 86592
Hospital Charge Code 8037793
Hospital Revenue Code 302
Min. Negotiated Rate $28.99
Max. Negotiated Rate $52.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $52.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $52.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $33.06
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $29.27
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $29.29
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $46.40
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $46.40
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $43.50
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $29.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $28.99
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $43.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $29.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $40.60
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $29.44
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $29.42
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $43.50
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $43.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $52.20
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $34.22
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $47.12
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $51.83
Service Code CPT 86592
Hospital Charge Code 8037793
Hospital Revenue Code 302
Min. Negotiated Rate $40.60
Max. Negotiated Rate $52.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $52.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $52.20
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $46.40
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $43.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $43.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $40.60
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $52.20
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10418744
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $8.12
Max. Negotiated Rate $10.44
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $10.44
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $10.44
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $9.28
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $8.70
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $8.70
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $8.12
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $10.44
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10418744
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $5.80
Max. Negotiated Rate $10.44
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $10.44
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $10.44
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $6.61
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $5.85
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $5.86
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $9.28
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $8.70
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $5.80
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $5.80
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $8.70
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $5.80
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $8.12
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $5.89
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $5.88
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $8.70
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $8.70
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $10.44
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $6.84
Service Code CPT 85041
Hospital Charge Code 4006787
Hospital Revenue Code 305
Min. Negotiated Rate $16.99
Max. Negotiated Rate $36.15
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $30.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $30.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $19.38
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $17.16
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $17.17
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $27.20
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $27.20
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $25.50
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $17.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $16.99
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $25.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $17.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $23.80
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $17.26
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $17.24
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $25.50
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $25.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $30.60
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $20.06
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $32.86
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $36.15
Service Code CPT 85041
Hospital Charge Code 4006787
Hospital Revenue Code 305
Min. Negotiated Rate $23.80
Max. Negotiated Rate $30.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $30.60
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $30.60
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $27.20
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $25.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $25.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $23.80
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $30.60
Service Code CPT 82747
Hospital Charge Code 8037794
Hospital Revenue Code 301
Min. Negotiated Rate $68.82
Max. Negotiated Rate $148.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $148.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $148.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $94.05
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $83.28
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $83.32
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $132.00
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $132.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $123.75
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $82.50
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $82.47
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $123.75
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $82.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $115.50
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $83.74
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $83.69
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $123.75
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $123.75
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $148.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $97.35
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $68.82
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $75.70
Service Code CPT 82747
Hospital Charge Code 8037794
Hospital Revenue Code 301
Min. Negotiated Rate $115.50
Max. Negotiated Rate $148.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $148.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $148.50
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $132.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $123.75
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $123.75
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $115.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $148.50
Hospital Charge Code 8047061
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $245.70
Max. Negotiated Rate $315.90
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $315.90
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $315.90
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $280.80
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $263.25
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $263.25
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $245.70
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $315.90
Hospital Charge Code 8047061
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $175.43
Max. Negotiated Rate $315.90
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $315.90
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $315.90
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $200.07
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $177.15
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $177.26
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $280.80
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $263.25
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $175.50
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $175.43
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $263.25
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $175.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $245.70
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $178.13
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $178.03
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $263.25
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $263.25
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $315.90
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $207.09
Hospital Charge Code 8025851
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $177.43
Max. Negotiated Rate $319.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $319.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $319.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $202.35
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $179.17
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $179.28
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $284.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $266.25
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $177.50
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $177.43
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $266.25
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $177.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $248.50
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $180.16
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $180.06
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $266.25
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $266.25
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $319.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $209.45
Hospital Charge Code 8025851
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $248.50
Max. Negotiated Rate $319.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $319.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $319.50
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $284.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $266.25
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $266.25
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $248.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $319.50
Service Code CPT C1778
Hospital Charge Code 8558056
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $1,890.00
Max. Negotiated Rate $2,430.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $2,430.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $2,430.00
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $2,160.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $2,025.00
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $2,025.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1,890.00
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $2,430.00
Service Code CPT C1778
Hospital Charge Code 8558056
Hospital Revenue Code 278
Min. Negotiated Rate $1,349.46
Max. Negotiated Rate $2,430.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $2,430.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $2,430.00
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $1,539.00
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $1,362.69
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $1,363.50
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $2,160.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $2,025.00
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $1,350.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $1,349.46
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $2,025.00
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $1,350.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1,890.00
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $1,370.25
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $1,369.44
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $2,025.00
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $2,025.00
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $2,430.00
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $1,593.00
Hospital Charge Code 8025190
Hospital Revenue Code 710
Min. Negotiated Rate $1.40
Max. Negotiated Rate $1.80
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1.80
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1.80
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1.60
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1.40
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1.80
Hospital Charge Code 8025190
Hospital Revenue Code 710
Min. Negotiated Rate $1.00
Max. Negotiated Rate $1.80
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1.80
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1.80
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $1.14
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $1.01
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $1.01
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1.60
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1.50
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $1.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $1.00
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $1.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1.40
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $1.02
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $1.01
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $1.50
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $1.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1.80
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $1.18
Service Code MS-DRG 333
Hospital Charge Code 183
Min. Negotiated Rate $20,642.09
Max. Negotiated Rate $20,945.65
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $20,844.46
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $20,642.09
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $20,945.65
Service Code MS-DRG 332
Hospital Charge Code 182
Min. Negotiated Rate $40,358.81
Max. Negotiated Rate $40,952.32
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $40,754.48
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $40,358.81
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $40,952.32
Service Code MS-DRG 334
Hospital Charge Code 184
Min. Negotiated Rate $13,602.95
Max. Negotiated Rate $13,803.00
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $13,736.32
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $13,602.95
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $13,803.00
Service Code MS-DRG 811
Hospital Charge Code 553
Min. Negotiated Rate $12,171.27
Max. Negotiated Rate $12,350.26
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $12,290.60
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $12,171.27
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $12,350.26
Service Code MS-DRG 812
Hospital Charge Code 554
Min. Negotiated Rate $7,485.31
Max. Negotiated Rate $7,595.39
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $7,558.70
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $7,485.31
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $7,595.39
Service Code CPT 97168 GO
Hospital Charge Code 5520782
Hospital Revenue Code 434
Min. Negotiated Rate $77.97
Max. Negotiated Rate $140.40
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $140.40
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $140.40
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $88.92
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $78.73
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $78.78
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $124.80
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $117.00
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $78.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $77.97
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $117.00
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $78.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $109.20
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $79.17
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $79.12
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $117.00
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $117.00
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $140.40
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $92.04
Service Code CPT 97168 GO
Hospital Charge Code 5520782
Hospital Revenue Code 434
Min. Negotiated Rate $109.20
Max. Negotiated Rate $140.40
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $140.40
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $140.40
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $124.80
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $117.00
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $117.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $109.20
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $140.40
Service Code MS-DRG 945
Hospital Charge Code 651
Min. Negotiated Rate $21,721.66
Max. Negotiated Rate $22,041.10
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $21,934.62
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $21,721.66
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $22,041.10
Service Code MS-DRG 946
Hospital Charge Code 652
Min. Negotiated Rate $10,342.87
Max. Negotiated Rate $10,494.97
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $10,444.27
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $10,342.87
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $10,494.97