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Charge Type Setting Price  
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10380393
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $3.49
Max. Negotiated Rate $6.29
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $6.29
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $6.29
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $3.98
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $3.53
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $3.53
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $5.59
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $5.24
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $3.50
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $3.49
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $5.24
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $3.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $4.89
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $3.55
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $3.55
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $5.24
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $5.24
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $6.29
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $4.12
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10380393
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $4.89
Max. Negotiated Rate $6.29
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $6.29
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $6.29
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $5.59
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $5.24
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $5.24
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $4.89
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $6.29
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10380462
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $1.69
Max. Negotiated Rate $2.17
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $2.17
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $2.17
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1.92
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1.81
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1.81
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1.69
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $2.17
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10380462
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $1.20
Max. Negotiated Rate $2.17
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $2.17
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $2.17
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $1.37
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $1.22
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $1.22
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1.92
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $1.81
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $1.20
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $1.20
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $1.81
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $1.20
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $1.69
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $1.22
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $1.22
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $1.81
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $1.81
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $2.17
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $1.42
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10434258
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $26.23
Max. Negotiated Rate $47.24
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $47.24
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $47.24
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $29.92
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $26.49
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $26.51
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $41.99
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $39.37
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $26.24
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $26.23
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $39.37
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $26.24
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $36.74
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $26.64
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $26.62
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $39.37
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $39.37
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $47.24
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $30.97
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10434258
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $36.74
Max. Negotiated Rate $47.24
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $47.24
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $47.24
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $41.99
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $39.37
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $39.37
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $36.74
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $47.24
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10380531
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $0.65
Max. Negotiated Rate $1.18
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1.18
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1.18
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $0.75
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $0.66
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $0.66
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1.05
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $0.98
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $0.66
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $0.65
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $0.98
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $0.66
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $0.92
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $0.66
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $0.66
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $0.98
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $0.98
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1.18
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $0.77
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10380531
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $0.92
Max. Negotiated Rate $1.18
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $1.18
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $1.18
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $1.05
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $0.98
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $0.98
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $0.92
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $1.18
Service Code CPT 52281
Hospital Charge Code 8069090
Hospital Revenue Code 975
Min. Negotiated Rate $137.29
Max. Negotiated Rate $634.90
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $137.29
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $141.96
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $725.60
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $725.60
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $164.75
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $140.04
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $260.85
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $137.29
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $634.90
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $237.51
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $205.94
Service Code CPT 87497
Hospital Charge Code 8505627
Hospital Revenue Code 306
Min. Negotiated Rate $157.50
Max. Negotiated Rate $202.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $202.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $202.50
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $180.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $168.75
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $168.75
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $157.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $202.50
Service Code CPT 87497
Hospital Charge Code 8505627
Hospital Revenue Code 306
Min. Negotiated Rate $68.82
Max. Negotiated Rate $202.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $202.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $202.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $128.25
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $113.56
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $113.62
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $180.00
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $180.00
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $168.75
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $112.50
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $112.46
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $168.75
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $112.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $157.50
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $114.19
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $114.12
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $168.75
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $168.75
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $202.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $132.75
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $68.82
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $75.70
Service Code CPT 86644
Hospital Charge Code 8037833
Hospital Revenue Code 302
Min. Negotiated Rate $82.60
Max. Negotiated Rate $106.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $106.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $106.20
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $94.40
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $88.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $88.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $82.60
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $106.20
Service Code CPT 86644
Hospital Charge Code 8037833
Hospital Revenue Code 302
Min. Negotiated Rate $47.12
Max. Negotiated Rate $106.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $106.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $106.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $67.26
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $59.55
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $59.59
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $94.40
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $94.40
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $88.50
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $59.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $58.98
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $88.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $59.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $82.60
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $59.88
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $59.85
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $88.50
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $88.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $106.20
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $69.62
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $47.12
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $51.83
Service Code CPT 86645
Hospital Charge Code 8037834
Hospital Revenue Code 302
Min. Negotiated Rate $96.60
Max. Negotiated Rate $124.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $124.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $124.20
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $110.40
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $103.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $103.50
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $96.60
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $124.20
Service Code CPT 86645
Hospital Charge Code 8037834
Hospital Revenue Code 302
Min. Negotiated Rate $47.12
Max. Negotiated Rate $124.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $124.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $124.20
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $78.66
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $69.65
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $69.69
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $110.40
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $110.40
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $103.50
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $69.00
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $68.97
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $103.50
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $69.00
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $96.60
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $70.04
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $69.99
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $103.50
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $103.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $124.20
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $81.42
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA HMO $47.12
Rate for Payer: Wellmark IA PPO $51.83
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10380671
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $21.99
Max. Negotiated Rate $28.28
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $28.28
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $28.28
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $25.14
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $23.56
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $23.56
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $21.99
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $28.28
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10380671
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $15.70
Max. Negotiated Rate $28.28
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $28.28
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $28.28
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $17.91
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $15.86
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $15.87
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $25.14
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $23.56
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $15.71
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $15.70
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $23.56
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $15.71
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $21.99
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $15.95
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $15.94
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $23.56
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $23.56
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $28.28
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $18.54
Service Code HCPCS J9130
Hospital Charge Code 19517248
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $75.40
Max. Negotiated Rate $96.95
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $96.95
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $96.95
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $86.18
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $80.79
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $80.79
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $75.40
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $96.95
Service Code HCPCS J9130
Hospital Charge Code 19517248
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $53.84
Max. Negotiated Rate $96.95
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $96.95
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $96.95
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $61.40
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $54.37
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $54.40
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $86.18
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $80.79
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $53.86
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $53.84
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $80.79
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $53.86
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $75.40
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $54.67
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $54.64
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $80.79
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $80.79
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $96.95
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $63.55
Service Code HCPCS J0875
Hospital Charge Code 27135791
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $3,184.71
Max. Negotiated Rate $5,734.76
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $5,734.76
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $5,734.76
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $3,632.02
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $3,215.93
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $3,217.84
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $5,097.57
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $4,778.97
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $3,185.98
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $3,184.71
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $4,778.97
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $3,185.98
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $4,460.37
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $3,233.77
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $3,231.86
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $4,778.97
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $4,778.97
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $5,734.76
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $3,759.46
Service Code HCPCS J0875
Hospital Charge Code 27135791
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $4,460.37
Max. Negotiated Rate $5,734.76
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $5,734.76
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $5,734.76
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $5,097.57
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $4,778.97
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $4,778.97
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $4,460.37
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $5,734.76
Service Code HCPCS J3490
Hospital Charge Code 23152470
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $2,023.21
Max. Negotiated Rate $3,643.24
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $3,643.24
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $3,643.24
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $2,307.38
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $2,043.05
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $2,044.26
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $3,238.43
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $3,036.03
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $2,024.02
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $2,023.21
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $3,036.03
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $2,024.02
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $2,833.63
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $2,054.38
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $2,053.17
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $3,036.03
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $3,036.03
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $3,643.24
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $2,388.34
Service Code HCPCS J3490
Hospital Charge Code 23152470
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $2,833.63
Max. Negotiated Rate $3,643.24
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $3,643.24
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $3,643.24
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $3,238.43
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $3,036.03
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $3,036.03
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $2,833.63
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $3,643.24
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10380811
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $4.28
Max. Negotiated Rate $5.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $5.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $5.50
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $4.88
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $4.58
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $4.58
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $4.28
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $5.50
Service Code HCPCS A9270
Hospital Charge Code 10380811
Hospital Revenue Code 259
Min. Negotiated Rate $3.05
Max. Negotiated Rate $5.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Commercial $5.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medical Rental Products $5.50
Rate for Payer: Aetna of IA Medicare $3.48
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicaid $3.08
Rate for Payer: Amerigroup Medicare $3.09
Rate for Payer: Cash Price $4.88
Rate for Payer: Health Alliance-Midwest, Inc. of IA Commercial $4.58
Rate for Payer: Humana of IA Commercial PPO (non PPOx)/Medicare Advantage HMO/Medicare Advantage PPO/PFFS $3.06
Rate for Payer: Iowa Total Care Managed Medicaid $3.05
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Commercial $4.58
Rate for Payer: Medical Associates Managed Medicare $3.06
Rate for Payer: Midlands Choice Commercial $4.28
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicaid $3.10
Rate for Payer: Molina Healthcare Managed Medicare $3.10
Rate for Payer: Oscar Health of IA Commercial $4.58
Rate for Payer: Partners Health Alliance Commercial $4.58
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Commercial $5.50
Rate for Payer: United Healthcare Managed Medicare $3.60